
チームラボ、ソウルで1700平米もの巨大な 「teamLab World: Dance! Art Museum, Learn & Play! Future Park」を2016年8月にオープン。

- Aug 31, 2017

Lotte World, Seoul, Korea

チームラボ、ソウルで1700平米もの巨大な「teamLab World: Dance! Art Museum, Learn & Play! Future Park」を、2016年8月にオープンします。

「teamLab World: Dance! Art Museum, Learn & Play! Future Park」は、チームラボのアートと、共同的で創造的な人間になることをテーマにしたFuture Parkによる大規模な展覧会です。

アート展示とFuture Parkが融合した、大人から子どもまで楽しめる本常設展は、2015年の東京・お台場で5ヶ月間の開催において46万人以上が訪れ、世界最大のクリエイティブ系デジタルメディアの一つdesignboomの「TOP 10 art exhibitions of 2015」に選ばれました。


今年3月からは、シンガポールのマリーナベイ・サンズで常設展をオープン。同国の主要新聞2紙で第一面を飾る など、世界各地で大絶賛されてきました。


本展は、アート6 作品と、共創の知育をテーマにしたFuture Parkの8作品を展示します。

詳細: http://seoul.teamlabworld.com/en/

クリスタルユニバース / Crystal Universe
teamLab, 2015, Interactive Digital Installation
Crystal Universe_01_RCrystal Universe_AMS_06_trim_R
作品: http://www.team-lab.net/jp/works/crystaluniverse/
作品動画: https://youtu.be/HYrKVUYNO9U

花と人、コントロールできないけれども、共に生きる / Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Year
teamLab, 2016, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
Flowers-and-People,-Cannot-be-Controlled-but-Live-Together–A -Whole-Year_main_high_R
※Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Year + Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders + Ever Blossoming Life II – A Whole Year per Year, Dark
作品: http://www.team-lab.net/jp/works/flowerandpeople-wholeyear_year
作品動画: https://youtu.be/arafX3Es6JQ

増殖する生命 II / Ever Blossoming Life II – A Whole Year per Year, Dark
teamLab, 2015, Digital Work, endless, 4 channels
Ever Blossoming Life II - A Whole Year per Year, Dark_R
作品: http://www.team-lab.net/jp/works/everblossominglife2-yeardark/
作品動画: https://youtu.be/-mKQoj0feK4

境界のない群蝶 / Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders
teamLab, 2015, Interactive Digital Work, Endless
Flutter of Butterflies beyond Borders_saatchimain_high_R
作品: http://www.team-lab.net/jp/works/butterflies/
作品動画: https://youtu.be/8Vw3Nwu1tDI

百年海図巻 アニメーションのジオラマ / 100 Years Sea Animation Diorama
teamLab, 2009, Digital Installation, 10min, 5 channels, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
作品: http://www.team-lab.net/jp/works/100yearssea-2
作品動画: https://youtu.be/pDKzdS9Alfw

100 Years Sea [running time: 100 years] / 百年海図巻 [上映時間: 100年]
teamLab, 2009, Digital Work, 100 years, 5 channels
作品: http://www.team-lab.net/jp/works/100yearssea_100years/
作品動画: https://youtu.be/eGVJYHEDM6o

<Learn&Play! Future Park>
お絵かきタウン / Sketch Town
teamLab, 2014, Interactive Digital Installation
Sketch Town_main_R
作品: http://www.team-lab.net/jp/works/sketchtown
作品動画: https://youtu.be/ZVcWKBTVbvE

Graffiti Nature
teamLab, 2016-, Interactive Digital Installation
Graffiti Nature _CG_main_R
作品: http://www.team-lab.net/jp/works/graffiti_nature/
作品動画: https://youtu.be/OomhbW3bffs

お絵かき水族館 / Sketch Aquarium
teamLab, 2013, Interactive Digital Installation
Sketch Aquarium_main_R
作品: http://www.team-lab.net/jp/works/aquarium
作品動画: http://youtu.be/AnAqB7LZUb8

光のボールでオーケストラ / Light Ball Orchestra
teamLab, 2013-, Interactive Installation, Sound: teamLab
Light Ball Orchestra_main_R
作品: http://www.team-lab.net/jp/works/orchestra
作品動画: http://youtu.be/R8qinL2-U8c

小人が住まうテーブル/ A Table where Little People Live
teamLab, 2013, Interactive Digital Installation
A Table where Little People Live_global_R
作品: http://www.team-lab.net/jp/works/kobitotable
作品動画: http://youtu.be/2n-DU58jjKE

まだ かみさまが いたるところにいたころの ものがたり /Story of the Time when Gods were Everywhere
Sisyu + teamLab, 2013, Interactive Digital Installation, Calligraphy: Sisyu, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
Story of the Time when Gods were Everywhere_main_R
作品: http://www.team-lab.net/jp/works/stgse
作品動画: http://youtu.be/byJRFGkxHVo

つながる!積み木列車 / Connecting! Train Block
teamLab, 2013, Interactive Digital Installation
Connecting! Train Block_global_R
作品: http://www.team-lab.net/jp/works/trainblock

つくる!僕の天才ケンケンパ / Create! Hopscotch for Geniuses
teamLab, 2015
Create! Hopscotch for Geniuses
作品: http://www.team-lab.net/jp/works/create-hopscotch

▼チームラボアイランド -学ぶ!未来の遊園地- とは




同じアート空間で、自由に体を動かし、互いに影響を与えながら、共創の体験を楽しむ場を創っていけないだろうか。そして、そのような体験を楽しむことを通して、日々を共創的なものへ変えていけるのではないだろうか、そういう願いから『チームラボアイランド -学ぶ!未来の遊園地-』は、生まれました。

<その他 イベント詳細>

teamLab World: Dance! Art Museum,Learn&Play! Future Park
会期: 2016年8 月~2017年8月31日(木)
会場: Lotte World(240 Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea
休館日: 未定
時間: 未定
料金: 未定
チケット販売所: 未定
主催: teamLab, PCA Kids Korea
機材協力: 未定
URL: http://seoul.teamlabworld.com/en/

teamLab’s 1700 sqm huge exhibition ”teamLab World: Dance! Art Museum, Learn & Play! Future Park” to open in Seoul from August, 2016

teamLab is opening 1700 sqm huge exhibition in Korea! ‘teamLab World: Dance! Art Museum, Learn&Play! Future Park’ is a digital art museum where you can enjoy teamLab’s artworks and digital installations all at once. The event will open from August, 2016.

‘teamLab World: Dance! Art Museum, Learn&Play! Future Park’ is a large-scale exhibition that is designed to stimulate people’s creativity and collaborative minds with a form of Future Park. Combining art exhibitions and futuristic amusement park, this exhibition attracted more than 460,000 visitors when firstly opened in Odaiba, Tokyo, in 2015. It was honorably awarded ‘TOP 10 art exhibitions of 2015‘ from the world-biggest creative media ‘designboom’.

‘The Living Digital Space and Future Parks’, the 2nd exhibition that is currently being held in Silicon Valley, reportedly destroyed the long-lasting anti-art tradition of the west coast.

Marina Bay Sands, the world's biggest hotel complex located in Singapore, is home to a permanent exhibition since March 2016. The news is covered by numerous local media, including 2 top national newspapers  in Singapore. 

teamLab’s exhibition has been opened also in Thailand  from May. 

From August, teamLab will open their second permanent exhibition at Lotte World (Seoul, South Korea).

At ‘teamLab World’, you will have a chance to see our 6 beautiful artworks as well as 8 digital installations that are themed as ‘co-creation’ and ‘intellectual training’. Stunning regardless the age groups you are in, the exhibition is going to re-form the concept of ‘digital’ and ‘art’. Don’t miss it!

See also: http://seoul.teamlabworld.com/en/

 Crystal Universe
teamLab, 2015, Interactive Digital Installation
Crystal Universe_01_RCrystal Universe_AMS_06_trim_R
Movie: https://youtu.be/HYrKVUYNO9U

Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Year
teamLab, 2016, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
Flowers-and-People,-Cannot-be-Controlled-but-Live-Together–A -Whole-Year_main_high_R
※Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Year + Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders + Ever Blossoming Life II – A Whole Year per Year, Dark
Movie: https://youtu.be/arafX3Es6JQ

Ever Blossoming Life II – A Whole Year per Year, Dark
teamLab, 2015, Digital Work, endless, 4 channels
Ever Blossoming Life II - A Whole Year per Year, Dark_R
Movie: https://youtu.be/-mKQoj0feK4

Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders
teamLab, 2015, Interactive Digital Work, Endless
Flutter of Butterflies beyond Borders_saatchimain_high_R
Movie: https://youtu.be/8Vw3Nwu1tDI

100 Years Sea Animation Diorama
teamLab, 2009, Digital Installation, 10min, 5 channels, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
Movie: https://youtu.be/pDKzdS9Alfw

100 Years Sea [running time: 100 years]
teamLab, 2009, Digital Work, 100 years, 5 channels
Movie: https://youtu.be/eGVJYHEDM6o

<Learn&Play! Future Park>
Sketch Town
teamLab, 2014, Interactive Digital Installation
Sketch Town_main_R
Movie: https://youtu.be/ZVcWKBTVbvE

Graffiti Nature
teamLab, 2016-, Interactive Digital Installation
Graffiti Nature _CG_main_R
Movie: https://youtu.be/OomhbW3bffs

Sketch Aquarium
teamLab, 2013, Interactive Digital Installation
Sketch Aquarium_main_R
Movie: http://youtu.be/AnAqB7LZUb8

Light Ball Orchestra
teamLab, 2013-, Interactive Installation, Sound: teamLab
Light Ball Orchestra_main_R
Movie: http://youtu.be/R8qinL2-U8c

A Table where Little People Live
teamLab, 2013, Interactive Digital Installation
A Table where Little People Live_global_R
Movie: http://youtu.be/2n-DU58jjKE

Story of the Time when Gods were Everywhere
Sisyu + teamLab, 2013, Interactive Digital Installation, Calligraphy: Sisyu, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
Story of the Time when Gods were Everywhere_main_R
Movie: http://youtu.be/byJRFGkxHVo

Connecting! Train Block
teamLab, 2013, Interactive Digital Installation
Connecting! Train Block_global_R

Create! Hopscotch for Geniuses
teamLab, 2015
Create! Hopscotch for Geniuses

<Collaborative Creation: “Co-Creation”>
Rapid technological development in society will continue to increase and accelerate into the future and many jobs will be taken over by machines. Because of this, it can be difficult to imagine what work that the children of today will do in the future. In a future society, traits that only humans can possess —such as the ability to think and act creatively— will become increasingly more important.

Humans are essentially creative. However, in current education we are taught that there is only one correct answer, all other answers are incorrect. Free thinking and behaving differently to other people is discouraged, we are told it is wrong and are corrected. As a result, we become afraid of making mistakes, and we lose our natural creativity.

In society and in practice there is never just one correct answer. From a seemingly endless number of answers, if we produce an answer that makes other people happy, then that answer is correct.
Co-creativity involves the interaction of various people and skills without any clear boundaries between them, as a result it overcomes the problem of only one right and one wrong answer.

Today tests are taken by individuals and evaluated by individuals. Without knowing it individualism is hammered into us. Furthermore, many people today are addicted to smartphones. Their brains may be connected to someone via the smartphone, but their body is thoroughly isolated.

Humans learn about the world through interaction with others and by sharing experiences. People think with their bodies as they move through the world, and much of human society has developed through creative achievements born from collaboration and team play.

This is why collaborative creativity, or the experience of “co-creation,” is now very important.

In this exhibition, viewers in the same art space are free to move their bodies. As their actions influence each other, the space becomes a place for people to enjoy the experience of “co-creation.” Hopefully, through enjoying this experience, people may become more creative in everyday life. This project was born from such a wish.


teamLab World: Dance! Art Museum, Learn&Play! Future Park
Date: From August, 2016
Location: Lotte World(240 Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea
Closed day: coming soon
Time: coming soon
Price: coming soon
Ticket office: coming soon
Organized by: teamLab, PCA Kids Korea
Sponsored by: coming soon
URL: http://seoul.teamlabworld.com/en/





