AcceptanceSystem FaceTouch

movie title PLAY MOVIE


Simple and intuitive to operate, allowing you to search for agents with ease

Using the touch panel you can select an agent by touching their photograph. Even if you can’t remember the full name or department of the agent you’re looking for, you can just search for them by their portrait, so there’s no room for confusion. In the catalogue display you can choose to list agents in name order or by department, allowing you to simply and easily find the person you’re looking for.

Helps to break the ice, fostering good relations with visitors

Selecting a portrait brings you to a call screen with that employee’s profile. Here you can see things like their birthplace and hobbies, and the profile field itself contains info decided upon by each agent. The profile can also include another photo, separate to the one displayed in the catalogue, so employees can choose a photo that best portrays their unique appeal, allowing them to more easily get across their personality and individuality. Filling out an agent’s profile with info such as birthplaces, hobbies, skills and such allows visitors the opportunity to break the ice a little bit, giving appointments a more casual atmosphere.

Helps to break the ice, fostering good relations with visitors

Selecting a portrait brings you to a call screen with that employee’s profile. Here you can see things like their birthplace and hobbies, and the profile field itself contains info decided upon by each agent. The profile can also include another photo, separate to the one displayed in the catalogue, so employees can choose a photo that best portrays their unique appeal, allowing them to more easily get across their personality and individuality. Filling out an agent’s profile with info such as birthplaces, hobbies, skills and such allows visitors the opportunity to break the ice a little bit, giving appointments a more casual atmosphere.


Create a reception service that leaves an impression

With just one look this reception service leaves an unforgettable impact, much more so than a regular reception service that offers little more than an internal phone line. It also allows you to easily establish the atmosphere within your company, giving you a chance to leave the right impression on visitors.

Allow your business to go more smoothly

By encouraging more lively and good natured conversation, you can allow discussions to go more smoothly and create a better business for your clients.


1.Choose an agent

2.Display profiles

3. Call

4.Send call notifications

Agents will be notified of a call via a notification sent to their PC. If they’re not at their desk when a call comes in, they can be notified via email too.

5.Display agents’ responses



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